Friday, December 4, 2015

Kayla's and Dr. Asch's Seminars

My apologies for getting to this very late.

Kayla will present today the following:

Gene Expression of the Quinic Acid (qa) Gene Cluster in Neurospora crassa

Her references can be found at the following links:

As for Dr. Asch, he is performing fungal finger puppets.  Not really - he has not given me any specific information just yet.  If I get it in time, I will pass it along.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Last Two Seminars of the Semester

I hope all of you had a terrific Thanksgiving Holiday.

We are now at the last seminar of the semester.  It will be a dual performance of Dr. Asch and his grad student, Kayla Brown.  I don't have any information as of yet, but hope to receive it for posting prior to Friday.  Check back to get this information.

See you Friday!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Undergraduate to Present

On Friday, November 20th, Tyler Luonuansuu will be presenting a seminar.  Tyler is an undergraduate who will be discussing his recent investigations into vaccine adherence and compliance.  Tyler is being mentored by Dr. Caguiat.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Dr. Fagan's Seminar

Dr. Fagan will presents aspects of her laboratory's research during seminar on Friday, November 13th.  Here title is:

"Using Phage Display and Antibodies for Detection of Foreign Molecules and Treatment of Disease"

Dr. Fagan has also provided links to three background readings:

Again, whoever is responsible for a discussion question, please be sure to include one based upon what is sure to be a thoughtful seminar.

Is Everyone Participating????

Let's be sure that all of you enrolled in BIOL 6988 this semester are making the required contributions to the discussion questions posed after each seminar.  We seem to be short a few responses.  Hmmmmmm . . . .   BOB is watching!

Kaitlyn and Yenner Present

Tomorrow, Kaitlyn Frederick and Yenner Ulus, graduate students under Dr. Johnston's tutelage, will be presenting their work during seminar.  Both of these presentations will be the basis of their thesis proposal defenses.  Be sure to attend and provide them some positive, constructive criticism.

Whose turn to come up with the discussion question?

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Invited Seminar Speaker - Dr. Walter Carson

The Department of Biological Sciences welcomes back as its seminar speaker, Dr. Walter Carson of the University of Pittsburgh.  His background and research interests can be found at the following URL:

Dr. Renne will be hosting Dr. Carson and I would strongly encourage folks not only to attend his seminar, but also try to arrange a chat with him via Dr. Renne.

Dr. Min's Seminar

Dr. Jack Min will be the seminar speaker this week.  His title is "Bioinformatics: Applications in Secretome Prediction and Alternative Splicing Gene Analysis".  

I know his is a complex area of study, but he is doing cutting edge stuff.  I would encourage all of you to closely listen to his seminar and if you haven't secured a research mentor yet, consider Dr. Min.  I can almost guarantee you that with some effort on your part that a publication would be in your future.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Dr. Lorimer's Presentation

As of today, I have not received any background information or a title from Dr. Lorimer.  She is scheduled to present the seminar this week.  Please check back periodically to see if something has been posted.  If not, whoever is suppose to start the discussion - wing it!

UPDATED October 13th:

G Dub Speaks. Who was listening?

So, my good buddy Dr. Gary Walker spoke this past week, correct?  I wouldn't know since I couldn't be there.

I believe it's Mike's turn to start the discussion.  Tell us how it was, Mike!!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Dr. Renne Speaks!!!


Today, is Dr. Ian Renne's day to present his work.  I will be away all next week, but I will be checking in and viewing your comments.

See you soon!

Dr. C

Thursday, September 24, 2015

My Turn!!!!

Guess what, students?  It's my turn to regale you with the stuff I research.  I hope all of you will read the background paper and be prepared to ask me some stumpers!

Also, Kaite is in charge of posting the question pertaining to my seminar.

See you tomorrow and bring your pillow!

Dr. C

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Special Seminar on Friday

Hey Folks,

Remember, Dr. Donmoyer is speaking this Friday, September 18th, at noon on her work with vision impairment.  Please meet and greet our special guest speaker.

To do the background reading on her topic, go the the seminar schedule for a link to her paper.

If you would like some time to chat with the speaker, please contact Dr. Litowitz.  She is handling all the arrangements for Dr. Donmoyer's visit.

Finally, Ludmila is scheduled to being the discussion on her seminar by posting a response question to this message.  To see what others did last year, see previous postings by former seminar students.

Looking forward to reading your thoughts in words on this blog!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Welcome to the Fall 2015 version of "Seminar for Biological Sciences", BIOL 6988!

We will be meeting this week on Friday, August 28th at Noon (Please be prompt!) in Room 3022 in Ward Beecher Science Hall.  I look forward to seeing you!


Dr. C

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April's Seminar

The final seminar of the semester will be presented by April Chestnut on Friday, May 1st.  [Don't get "April" the name mixed up with the date in "May"!]

The title of April's talk is:

Histological Analysis Of Alpaca Integument: Hair Follicle Structure vs. Fiber Quality

Links to two relevant background papers are as follows:

Be there to celebrate the end of the semester with what I am sure will be a stupendous presentation!!! [No pressure, April!!!!]

Dylan's Seminar

Dylan will be giving his seminar this Friday.  The title of his presentation is:

Ontogeny of myosin heavy chain expression and prehensile
tail function in the gray short-tail opossum (Monodelphis domestica)

The link to a relevant background paper can be downloaded by clicking here.

I look forward to seeing all of you in seminar this week!!!!