Course Syllabus

Posted:  January 22, 2021

Course Description
This course will expose students to a diverse range of research topics explored by departmental faculty and students, as well as individuals from other institutions.

Course Goals and Objectives
Students who successfully complete BIOL 6988 will be provided the tools needed for continued learning in the area of their choice by achieving the following specific objectives:
  • understand the real-world application of the scientific method
  • efficiently and effectively communicate scientific knowledge
  • understand the fundamentals of particular biological processes
  • select an area of concentration or a specific research project/mentor to complete their graduate degree
BIOL 6988 will help prepare students for professional careers and aid them in the selection of a research topic/mentor. As such, this course is designed to help students strive towards the following specific goals:
  • learn the fundamental concepts underlying selected biological systems
  • recognize the importance of proper public dissemination of information
  • learn to write effectively about biology-related topic
  • learning scientific terminology

Grade Component
A student's grade for this course will be based upon the following items:

Attendance: This grade component comprises 60% of a student's course grade.  Excused absences are subject to Dr. Cooper's prerogative per University policy (see below).  For each unexcused absence, 5% of the attendance grade will be deducted from a student's score for this grade component. That is, if a student has more than two unexcused absences during the semester, that person is now vying to maintain a grade of "B".  Earning a grade of "A" is not possible with three unexcused absences and is dubious with two unexcused absences.

For the definition of an "excused absence", see "Absence from Classes and Examinations" at the following URL:

Participation: This grade component comprises 40% of a student's course grade. Each week, a student (termed a "scribe" as listed in the seminar schedule) will be assigned to summarize, in 50 words or less, the seminar from a given date and to post that summary on the Course Blog. In the same post following this summary, the student will present a deep thought question related to the presentation.  Students enrolled in the course, other than the presenter, are required to respond thoughtfully to the summary AND the question posed.  The presenter may respond at their option to any comments.  However, responses to queries from Dr. Cooper are also required.  Dr. Cooper's queries may be directed at a specific student or to all students. Students are also free to contribute more than one comment.  The deadline to respond to comments is Thursday at 5:00 PM prior to the following Friday's seminar.

All posts should be carefully constructed and in good taste.  Each student's participation in this blog conversation will be subjectively scored by Dr. Cooper.  

NOTE:  Student responses will be scored by Dr. Cooper with regard to content, depth, and proper grammar.  In addition, to be eligible for credit, student responses must be submitted by the deadline stated above.  Each week's participation is worth up to 5% of towards a student's course grade.
In addition to the above, each student will evaluate their peer's presentation in the course.  Details will be forthcoming.  Submission of each evaluation is worth up to 5% of towards a student's course grade.

Grading Scale
This scale is absolute, i.e., there is no curving!

A student's grade for this course will be based upon the following scale:
  • 90% or more, Grade of A
  • 80% to 89.99% , Grade of B
  • 70% to 79.99%, Grade of C
  • 60% to 69.99%, Grade of D
  • 59.99%  or less, Grade of F
Classroom and Laboratory Decorum
Academic Dishonesty.  Students are hereby notified that academic dishonesty, in all its forms, will be met with severe sanctions, including the possibility of dismissal from the University.  Knowing about past, current, or impending cases of academic dishonesty and not reporting it to me or your teaching assistant is also a culpable action.
Electronic Communication/Data Storage Devices.  During seminar, except for participating in seminar via the WebEX plat, all cellular telephones or other electronic communication devices must be turned off or set in the quiet/vibration mode of operation

Decorum.  At all times, students are expected to exhibit behavior appropriate.  Such behavior is delimited by University policy.  Inappropriate behavior is subject to expulsion from that day's seminar.

Email Communications
Students may contact me by using any email system they desire.  However, all electronic communications initiated by me with students enrolled in this course will only be made using the University’s YSU Mass Email system.  Hence, the use of the YSU email account provided to you is mandatory.  Please be sure to activate your free YSU email account and check it periodically for messages from me.  Students are especially encouraged to check their email messages the morning prior to class for any last minute notifications.  Missing any email message from me because you did not activate you YSU email account or by your failure to check for messages on a regular basis will not form the basis of an acceptable excuse for not being aware of information critical to this course.
In accordance with University procedures, if you have a documented disability and require accommodations to obtain equal access in this course, please contact me privately to discuss your specific needs. You must be registered with the Center for Student Progress Disability Services (  The Center is located in Room 2082 in Kilcawley Center.  An eligible student must provide a letter to me so that I can coordinate reasonable accommodations.  You can reach Center for Student Progress Disability Services at the following telephone number: 330.941.1372.

Your welfare is important to me more than just in the classroom or laboratory.

Students often experience stressful and difficult events as part of their normal life and educational activities.  While I am more than willing to assist you address these situations, I am not a professional counselor.  A better means exists to help manage personal challenges that threaten your emotional or academic well-being.  YSU offers counseling services on-campus that are available to you at no cost.  These services are completely confidential and in no way connected to your academic record.  Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this valuable resource. 

YSU Student Counseling Services ( is located in 2082 Kilcawley Center.  The office is open Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.  Appointments can be made by calling 330.941.3737.

Additional support can be found at

Moreover, if you have a concern regarding a friend or other individual, you can file a referral at https://ysu.educoncern-referral.

Non-Discrimination Policy
Youngstown State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, disability, age, religion or veteran/military status in its programs or activities. Please visit the Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility web page (“eit”-accessibility-compliance) for the contact information of persons designated to handle questions about this policy.
Students are advised that they possess certain rights under FERPA.  Moreover, YSU employees are restricted from divulging certain information about you, including your academic record, without your explicit permission.  This restriction includes your parents.  Therefore, please explain to your parents that I cannot entertain inquiries about you from them or others without your explicit, written permission.  If I am contacted by someone, I must follow FERPA regulations.  Additional information regarding FERPA can be found at the following URL:
Syllabus Acknowledgement Statement
Students are required to submit a Syllabus Acknowledgement Statement (SAS) to me.  Without the SAS, I will not officially record any grades or scores for this course.  In essence, by submitting this statement, you signify that you have accessed and reviewed the blog syllabus as well as agree to abide by all of its requirements and policies.  Submit the SAS to me by following the instructions given below exactly as indicated.

Using your YSU email account, send the following message to Dr. Cooper at

Subject Line [must be used exactly as noted here]:

BIOL 6988 Syllabus Acknowledgement - Spring 2021

Message: [must use this wording - copy and paste]

I hereby acknowledge that I have accessed and read each of the links/documents on web page corresponding to BIOL 6988 in which I am enrolled.

In addition, with this email message, I agree with the following statements:

  • I fully understand the policies set forth in this syllabus.

  • I acknowledge and understand that my failure to abide by these policies may have significant academic consequences for which I am solely responsible.

  • I acknowledge and agree that the content described by this syllabus can be changed at the discretion of the course instructor in order to meet the course objectives.

  • My signature does not in any manner signify the waiver of any rights granted to me by the policies, rules, and regulations of Youngstown State University.