Contact Dr. Cooper

Posted:  January 22, 2021

Dr. Cooper's Contact Information

 Office Hours: By appointment only

Due to social distancing requirements as well as my multiple service responsibilities, I do not have scheduled office hours for the Spring 2021 semester.  Moreover, unless exigent circumstances warrant, I shall not meet students in my office face-to-face.  Instead, I am most willing and pleased to talk to students at scheduled times via my office telephone (see below) or through WebEx discussions.  To schedule a telephone discussion or WebEx session, I request that students email me their availability.  I will reply as soon as practical and set an appointment at a time that is convenient for both parties.  Note: For safety reasons, unscheduled “drop in” office visits are not permitted.

Office Location: Ward Beecher Science Hall, Room 3123

My office is located within a secured laboratory complex.  Unauthorized persons are never allowed within this laboratory complex.  Approved face-to-face meetings with me require a prior appointment.  Note: For safety reasons, unscheduled “drop in” office visits are not permitted.

Telephone/Voice Mail: 330.941.1361

Students are encouraged to reach out to me by telephone.  If prior arrangements have not been made, I may not be available.  If this is the case, please leave a clear and distinct message on my voice mail.  I will respond as soon as practical.


I strongly encourage students to email me should they have a question or need an appointment to discuss a matter.  Please note that I typically receive over 100 emails each weekday during the semester.  Hence, to help me more readily recognize a message from a student, please use the term “BIOL 6988” in the Subject line.  If not, a student’s email risks being “lost” among the multitude of daily messages I receive.

I will answer emails as soon as practical.  Please note, generally I am not inclined to respond to emails during evenings, semester breaks, weekends, or when the University is closed.

Important:  My email communications are deemed privileged and may not be redistributed in any form (e.g., forwarded, posted on social media, published, etc.) without my explicit written permission.  Doing so is a violation of the YSU Student Code of Conduct.