Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April's Seminar

The final seminar of the semester will be presented by April Chestnut on Friday, May 1st.  [Don't get "April" the name mixed up with the date in "May"!]

The title of April's talk is:

Histological Analysis Of Alpaca Integument: Hair Follicle Structure vs. Fiber Quality

Links to two relevant background papers are as follows:

Be there to celebrate the end of the semester with what I am sure will be a stupendous presentation!!! [No pressure, April!!!!]

Dylan's Seminar

Dylan will be giving his seminar this Friday.  The title of his presentation is:

Ontogeny of myosin heavy chain expression and prehensile
tail function in the gray short-tail opossum (Monodelphis domestica)

The link to a relevant background paper can be downloaded by clicking here.

I look forward to seeing all of you in seminar this week!!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Sarah's Seminar

Sarah Eisnaugle will present her seminar on Friday, April 17th.  The title of her seminar is:

Expression of Glucan Synthesis During Cell-Wall Stress in the Wild-type and yak1 Mutant Strains of Penicillium marneffei

A link to a relevant paper is as follows:

Josh's Seminar

Josh Engle will present the seminar on Friday, April 10th.  The title of his talk is:

Chitin Synthase Gene Expression in Penicillium marneffei in Response to Cell-Wall Stressors

Two links to relevant papers are presented below: