Thursday, September 24, 2015

My Turn!!!!

Guess what, students?  It's my turn to regale you with the stuff I research.  I hope all of you will read the background paper and be prepared to ask me some stumpers!

Also, Kaite is in charge of posting the question pertaining to my seminar.

See you tomorrow and bring your pillow!

Dr. C

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Special Seminar on Friday

Hey Folks,

Remember, Dr. Donmoyer is speaking this Friday, September 18th, at noon on her work with vision impairment.  Please meet and greet our special guest speaker.

To do the background reading on her topic, go the the seminar schedule for a link to her paper.

If you would like some time to chat with the speaker, please contact Dr. Litowitz.  She is handling all the arrangements for Dr. Donmoyer's visit.

Finally, Ludmila is scheduled to being the discussion on her seminar by posting a response question to this message.  To see what others did last year, see previous postings by former seminar students.

Looking forward to reading your thoughts in words on this blog!