Thursday, October 22, 2015

Invited Seminar Speaker - Dr. Walter Carson

The Department of Biological Sciences welcomes back as its seminar speaker, Dr. Walter Carson of the University of Pittsburgh.  His background and research interests can be found at the following URL:

Dr. Renne will be hosting Dr. Carson and I would strongly encourage folks not only to attend his seminar, but also try to arrange a chat with him via Dr. Renne.

Dr. Min's Seminar

Dr. Jack Min will be the seminar speaker this week.  His title is "Bioinformatics: Applications in Secretome Prediction and Alternative Splicing Gene Analysis".  

I know his is a complex area of study, but he is doing cutting edge stuff.  I would encourage all of you to closely listen to his seminar and if you haven't secured a research mentor yet, consider Dr. Min.  I can almost guarantee you that with some effort on your part that a publication would be in your future.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Dr. Lorimer's Presentation

As of today, I have not received any background information or a title from Dr. Lorimer.  She is scheduled to present the seminar this week.  Please check back periodically to see if something has been posted.  If not, whoever is suppose to start the discussion - wing it!

UPDATED October 13th:

G Dub Speaks. Who was listening?

So, my good buddy Dr. Gary Walker spoke this past week, correct?  I wouldn't know since I couldn't be there.

I believe it's Mike's turn to start the discussion.  Tell us how it was, Mike!!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Dr. Renne Speaks!!!


Today, is Dr. Ian Renne's day to present his work.  I will be away all next week, but I will be checking in and viewing your comments.

See you soon!

Dr. C