Saturday, November 28, 2015

Last Two Seminars of the Semester

I hope all of you had a terrific Thanksgiving Holiday.

We are now at the last seminar of the semester.  It will be a dual performance of Dr. Asch and his grad student, Kayla Brown.  I don't have any information as of yet, but hope to receive it for posting prior to Friday.  Check back to get this information.

See you Friday!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Undergraduate to Present

On Friday, November 20th, Tyler Luonuansuu will be presenting a seminar.  Tyler is an undergraduate who will be discussing his recent investigations into vaccine adherence and compliance.  Tyler is being mentored by Dr. Caguiat.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Dr. Fagan's Seminar

Dr. Fagan will presents aspects of her laboratory's research during seminar on Friday, November 13th.  Here title is:

"Using Phage Display and Antibodies for Detection of Foreign Molecules and Treatment of Disease"

Dr. Fagan has also provided links to three background readings:

Again, whoever is responsible for a discussion question, please be sure to include one based upon what is sure to be a thoughtful seminar.

Is Everyone Participating????

Let's be sure that all of you enrolled in BIOL 6988 this semester are making the required contributions to the discussion questions posed after each seminar.  We seem to be short a few responses.  Hmmmmmm . . . .   BOB is watching!

Kaitlyn and Yenner Present

Tomorrow, Kaitlyn Frederick and Yenner Ulus, graduate students under Dr. Johnston's tutelage, will be presenting their work during seminar.  Both of these presentations will be the basis of their thesis proposal defenses.  Be sure to attend and provide them some positive, constructive criticism.

Whose turn to come up with the discussion question?