Friday, February 19, 2016

Michelle's Turn

Michelle Ricchiuti will be presenting on Friday, February 26th.  Her seminar title is: Identification of an ampicillin regulation gene in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia OR02.  A link to some background reading can be found on the Seminar Schedule page.

Seminar Cancelled!!!

Sorry folks, but due to my oversight, today's seminar is cancelled.  

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Roseline Speaks!!!!

UPDATED: 2/11/16

Our good friend Roseline is our first student presenter next week on February 12th.  The title of her presentation is:

The Role of N2A and N2B Titin Isoforms in Muscle Cell Differentiation

She will be providing me a background paper to read, so check back to this post later.

Kory is scheduled to start the blog discussion following Roseline's presentation.

Roslyn's background reading can be found at the following URL:

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Videos in Seminar on February 5th

UPDATED: 2/11/16:  My apologies.  For those who attended seminar, you know that the videos that were to be shown disappeared.  Instead, we watched Your Inner Reptile.  Your discussions should reflect this film.

For this coming Friday, the following two videos will be shown followed by a discussion section.

Evolving Switches, Evolving Bodies and Got Lactase? The Co-evolution of Genes and Culture

Both can be found at the following URL:

I am looking forward to the discussion.