Friday, September 30, 2016

Dr. Fagan to Present

It will be Dr. Diana Fagan's turn to present her research efforts next Friday during our noon seminar.    She will be discussing her work with phage display.  I look forward to seeing your shiny faces there!

A background reading is available via the Seminar Schedule tab above!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Dr. Jill Tall To Speak

This coming Friday, September 30th, Dr. Jill Tall will be presenting seminar.  She will be discussing her experience in clinically-oriented investigations.  At this time there is no background reading, but stay tuned.  See you in seminar!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Special Seminar Speaker - September 23rd: BE THERE!

This coming Friday, we have a very special guest speaker, Dr. Severine Van Slambrouck.  She is most willing to meet students and faculty while she is here.  Therefore, if you care to chat with her, please let me know ASAP.  [No background reading was suggested for this seminar.]

ALSO - Dean Steelant is providing pizza (cheese and pepperoni) as well as drinks for those attending the Seminar.  When you see our STEM Dean, give him a HUGE "Thank You!"

Friday, September 9, 2016

Dr. Lorimer's Seminar

Next week on Friday, September 16th, our first seminar of the year is scheduled to be given by Dr. Lorimer.  As of today, she has not provided a title for her presentation.  Jamielynn, however, will initiate our discussion.  I look forward to reading your responses.

NOTE: Today (9/14) Dr. Lorimer sent me the following title - "Mitochondrial DNA Replication and Recombination in Yeast."  She also provided me a paper for background reading that can be downloaded from the following URL: