Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Dr. Walker to Sub for Dean Steelant

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Dean Steelant cannot present his seminar on November 4th.  In his stead, Dr. Gary Walker, Chair of Biology, will present a seminar.  Dr. Steelant's seminar will be re-scheduled for a future date.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Dr. Diggins on Deck

Dr. Diggins is scheduled to present seminar next week.  The title of his talk and background readings have now been posted.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Capstone Students Present

Capstone students Brienne Seekford, Andrew Whipkey and Kristin Latessa, will present a seminar entitled, "A Discussion on Patient Compliance," next Friday (October 21st).  Links to four separate background readings have been provided on the Seminar Schedule page.  

Friday, October 7, 2016

All Your Wanted to Know About Pineapples

Next Friday, 10/14, should be a truly interesting presentation by Dr. Jack Min.  Dr. Min is our resident bioinformatics expert and has been highly productive since coming to YSU.  He will be talking about his recent work with the pineapple genome - an unusual topic for sure, but one that should bring out your curiosity.  Background readings for this chat can be found on the schedule page of this blog.  However here is the link to Dr. Min's publication in Nature - a truly notable achievement!

See you at seminar!  If you bring a lunch, be sure to include some pineapple to share!