Saturday, December 30, 2017

Welcome to Spring 2018 Seminar!

Students, Faculty, and Guests,

I am pleased to announce that the Seminar in Biology Sciences (BIOL 6988) will again be meeting this Spring semester in Ward Beecher Science Hall's auditorium (Room 3022) at noon on Friday's.  This semester will feature a number of invited guests presenting a wide variety of topics.  In addition, a slew of second-year graduate students will provide us updates on their thesis work and, at this posting, one undergraduate shall be discussing her honor's thesis research.  The tentative schedule of talks has been posted on this blog.  A final schedule is forthcoming.

For those of you graduate students enrolled in BIOL 6988, please look through the syllabus on this blog site.   There WILL BE an introduction to this course on Friday, January 12th.  Please be prompt.

I look forward to seeing all of you soon and enjoying this semester's seminar along with you.


Dr. C