Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Special Guest Seminar This Week!!!

We are pleased to have Dr. Alicia Prieto Langarica from YSU's Department of Mathematics and Statistics with us this Friday.  Her topic is  A Mathematical Model of the Effects of Temperature on Human Sleep Patterns.  This certainly will be a new and different perspective for we biologists.  Be sure to welcome our guest and ask some great in-depth questions.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Dr. Acer's Presentation

This week's seminar guest is Dr. Acer, who is a post-doctoral associate in Dr. Johnston's laboratory.  He will discussing his work with contaminated sediments of the Mahoning River.  I will be the scribe for this presentation. 

Dr. Johnston's Presentation

What did you think of Dr. Johnston's presentation on the human microbiome?