Monday, November 18, 2019

Special Guest Speaker: Dr. Rob Brooker

We are pleased to have with us this week Dr. Rob Brooker from the University of Minnesota.  Dr. Brooker's visit is sponsored by McGraw-Hill publishers and his time here is associated with a morning session devoted to active learner, a field in biology education in which Dr. Brooker is an expert.

He is also a committed investigator into sugar transport mechanisms.  His research seminar is entitled "Using Genetic Approaches to Understand the Function of a Sugar Transporter".

Some of his work can be found in the following published articles:

Franco PJ, Matzke EA, Johnson JL, Wiczer BM, Brooker RJ.
J Membr Biol. 2006;211(2):101-13 

Please be sure to welcome Dr. Brooker to the department and the university.