Monday, April 22, 2019

Special Seminar Guest: Dr. Alegandro Royo

Dr. Renne has a special guest speaker for us this week describing how deer impact our environment.  It is my understanding that you will be fawning all over this presentation!

Ana and Jessica: Partners in Crime

This past Friday, both Jessica and Ana presented their clinical research work on patient satisfaction.  It was a marvelous tag team seminar.  Well done, ladies!

What did you think?

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Undergraduate Presentation

This Friday, Ryan Mrofchak, a senior biology major, will be presenting his original research as part of his Honors Thesis.  Ryan is investigating the presence of fecal bacteria in Lake Newport, a water resource in Youngstown's Mill Creek Park.  Please come and support him!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Career Day Speaker

This Friday, April 5th, we have a special seminar speaker, Ms. Sandra Maddock.  Let's all be there to welcome her and listen to her presentation.

Alex Huber's Presentation

Alex gave a very nice presentation this past Friday.  What did you think?