Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Welcome to the BIOL 6988 Blog!


Welcome to a new adventure in the YSU Biology Department.  This semester I am going to try an educational experiment.  This blog will be the syllabus for students enrolled in my Spring 2015 Seminar in Biological Sciences course, BIOL6988.  The idea of this blog came about from a faculty development workshop I attended last week.  Part of the workshop was directed towards using various aspects of modern technology as a tool to engage and encourage student learning.  I'm hoping this blog will be such an instrument.

Moreover, I'm hoping this blog will stimulate some active learning not only among the grad students in BIOL 6988, but our undergraduate capstone students as well.  In addition, anyone outside the course is welcome to participate.  I'm looking forward to what I believe willl be both a fun and educational experience for all.

There will be more details to come.  Stay tuned!!!

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