Sunday, February 22, 2015

Dan's Seminar

Next up on the schedule is Dan Lisko.  His presentation is entitled "Probiotic Effect On Gastrointestinal Microbial Community Structure and Cortisol Production"

Dan has provided the following relevant background readings for his talk:

See you on Friday!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Joe's Seminar

Sorry, folks, for being so late to the party with this.  I have been swamped.

Joe Budny is next up with his seminar entitled "Changes in bone composition and its effects on hip joint replacement prosthesis".  A link to a relevant paper follows:

Bring your friends and neighbors!  Joe will be sooooo happy!!!

Erin's Seminar

Erin Freed shares the spotlight with Joe Budny this coming Friday.  Erin's presentation is entitled "Evolution of deception".  Links to two relevant papers pertaining to her seminar are given below:

Bring your lunch and something to share with me this Friday!!!!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Eric's Seminar

Next up to present a seminar is Eric Cargal .  His tentative title is "Butanol Biofuel from Clostridium beijerinckii".  I will post his articles when he sends them.