Friday, February 6, 2015

Eric's Seminar

Next up to present a seminar is Eric Cargal .  His tentative title is "Butanol Biofuel from Clostridium beijerinckii".  I will post his articles when he sends them.


  1. Where are his articles? I am his advisor and would like to see his articles before he posts them.

  2. Eric’s research looks at genetic and proteomic analysis of butanol production through Clostridium beijerinckii-based ABE fermentation. He hopes to better understand and characterize the dynamic balance between the fermentation’s acidogenic and solventogenic phases to increase the process’s efficiency. He is primarily studying four proteins/genes that show different expression levels through these two phases and will analyze them further using 2DGE and qRT-PCR at different time points in the fermentation process.


    Other than the clostridium species that were mentioned in Eric’s presentation, are there any other known bacteria that produce potential energy sources, such as butanol, through their natural metabolic processes?

  3. I found an article on how scientists are using the lux operon that controls the luciferase pathway within bioluminescent bacteria to create bioluminescent plants. This is accomplished by inserting the genes that encode for functional bacterial luciferase pathways into the chloroplast genome to create a transplastomic chloroplast that can emit visible light. This can lead to an alternative way to light public areas at night.

  4. There is a new trend of research towards the production of biohydrogen. Hydrogen is seen as an ideal source of fuel because it can be converted to electric energy in fuel cells or burnt and converted to mechanical energy without obvious production of CO2. Thus, it eliminates the need to worry about its environmental impact when used. Thermophilic bacteria such as Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus or Thermotoga elfii are known to produce a great yield of hydrogen during fermentation. Even though it has not developed into an economically viable technology, there is an ongoing research on this area of biofuel production.

  5. It's not bacteria but some species of algae are being investigated for the photosynthesis properties. Diatoms would be used by substituting photosensitive titanium dioxide (found not in solar cells) for the photosensitive silicon dioxide found in the cell wall of the diatoms. This would potentially create cheaper, cleaner solar energy panels some time in the near future.

  6. There are many species of microorganisms which can be used in production of biofuels. I think that now the focus should be on genetic modifications of simple stock species (e.g. E. coli) as a way to sort of "build" the perfect organism for biofuel production.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Here is an article from Arizona State University's Biodesign Institute describing their research using Geobacter and Chlorobium to generate electricity.

  9. To elaborate on Christines comment scientists have actually discovered 10 different kinds of bacteria species that will produce electricity. The bacteria generates electricity by consuming electrons from an electrode at a low voltage and "exhaling" the electrons back to the electrode, thus creating an electrical current which could be used as an electrical power source

  10. I saw a lot about trapping the energy that bacteria naturally produce during cellular respiration. This team deleted six genes from E. Coli, which made it increase its hydrogen production to 140 times the natural amount.

  11. Response to summary: Eric's presentation was a great insight into the unique and potentially beneficial attributes of a seemingly common bacteria. His work with 2DGE and qRT-PCR was interesting to see seeing as most of us have done 2DGE (at least in protein analysis) and qRT-PCR is another popular technique amongst the grad students. The work represents another one of the many uses for these techniques.

    Response to Question: As recent as September, literature has been published in regards to researchers using E. coli to produce renewable sources of propane through modifying natural synthesis pathways that normally result in the formation of cell membranes.

  12. I found a interesting article about Lipomyces starkeyi, an ascomycetous yeast belonging to the order Saccharomycetales that was introduced onto raw sewage in an attempt to create biofuel.

    Although there was limited success with this method, a Nevada based company called Algae Systems has seen some success in converting sewage to biofuel and drinking water using algae.

  13. In Eric's presentation we saw bacterial metabolism result in a direct source of biofuel; however bacteria can also be used as a tool in biofuel production. A primary raw material of biofuels is plant biomass; however as part of secondary cell wall structure there includes a large molecule called lignin that must be degraded first. There are bacteria that secrete "ligninases/lignases" which degrade the molecule. These bacteria can be used in the first steps of biofuel production from plants.

    1. In the same vein as bacteria being used as a stepping stone to a biofuel, some cyanobacteria can be grown in mass to produce sugars that can later be fermented into ethanol. The drawback to this, however, would be the area needed for the ponds in which the cyanobacteria would grow.

    2. I agree that cyanobacteria are a good stepping stone for biofuel production. However, I dont believe they would need large ponds for the production of ethanol. As far I know, ethanol can only be produced on anerobic condition (if not there is evdince to suggest cyanobacteria can be genetically modified for such purposes). Furthermore, using large vessel that are innoculated with the cyanobacteria would futher decrease the need for of ponds for the growth of cyanobacteria.

  14. Bacteria accustomed to hypoxic conditions export electrons as a part of their respiratory cycle in such a manner in which they may harnessed to produce energy. Molecular wires can transmit current from the surface of particular bacteria including Shewanella oneidensis. This process is called direct extracellular electron transfer (DEET).

    You can read more about it here:
