Saturday, March 28, 2015

Susan's Seminar

Here is the relevant info for Susan's seminar this coming Friday, April 3rd.

Title: Proteomic and targeted gene expresson profile in differentiating myoblasts

Links to papers:

See all of you in seminar.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Zach Chaffin Seminar

Friday's second seminar will be given by Zach Chaffin.  Here's his info:

Title: "Shade intolerance as a driver of the evolution of biochemical recognition”

Again, my apologies with being tardy with this announcement.

Zach Morse Seminar

Information for Zach's Seminar:

Title: “Characteristics of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and their Use in Wound Repair”

Paper Links: 

My apologies for getting this notice up late.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Dr. Mosher's Seminar

This Friday, we are hosting Dr. Jennifer Mosher as our invited seminar speaker.  Dr. Mosher is a former YSU graduate student who earned her M.S. under the tutelage of Dr. Carl Johnston.   I strongly urge that you engage with Dr. Mosher while she is here.   Below is the flyer of her seminar.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Christine's Seminar

Christine Curtis presents this Friday during seminar.  The title of her talk is:

"Recombineering strategies for isolating, cloning, and deleting genes in Enterobacter Species YSU and S. maltophilia OR02"

She has provided links to the following PDF documents as background reading:

Bring your lunch and enjoy yet another excellent seminar, I'm sure (No pressure, Christine!!!!).