Thursday, March 24, 2016

Invited Seminar Speaker for April 1st - Dr. Chris Woolverton

Dr. Chris Woolverton of Kent State University will be our special guest speaker at seminar, this coming Friday, April 1st (NO FOOLING!).  The title of his presentation is:

Prepping for Zombies, Ebola, and More (Oh My!)

I am looking forward to seeing all of you at the seminar.  Come dressed as your favorite zombie!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Kory's Turn - March 25th

This week, Kory George will be presenting his research efforts to the seminar group.  His title is:  

Induction of the qa-y and qa-1F genes in Neurospora crassa
at Differing Times of Quinic Acid Exposure

Background reading for his talk can be found at the following URL:

See you Friday!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Seminar on March 18

Welcome back from Spring Break!!!!

This week, both Efran Uddin and Chris Hammond are presenting at seminar.  Please attend and comment on their presentations below.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

This Week in Seminar

Dr. Walker will be showing Your Inner Monkey.  Unfortunately, I will be out of town on business.  I wish all of you a peaceful and relaxing Spring Break.  BTW, it's Joe Mack's turn to start the conversation.