Thursday, April 28, 2016

Last Seminar of Spring 2016

Tomorrow's seminar will feature two speakers from Dr. Tall's research program - Jillian Billeck and Marsha Winkler.  Please be sure to come out and support the efforts of these two students.

Thanks for a great semester!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Friday's Seminars - A "Two Fer"

Two separate seminars will be presented tomorrow.

Joe Mack (Dr. Caguiat’s lab) will present his work entitled "Selenium Resistance in Enterbacter sp. YSU and its Proteomic and Genomic Basis" 

Background information for his presentation can be found here:

The second seminar will be presented by James Lerakis, an Honors Student in Biol 3702.  His presentation is entitled “Current Aspects of Zika Virus”.

See you there!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Leah Kaldy Presentation

Today's seminar will be presented by a graduate student from the Geology and Environmental Science program.  Ms. Leah Kaldy will chat about her work with Dr. Diggins and others.  I look forward to reading your comments.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Bill Rees To Present Thesis Defense

The affable and diligent young man who goes by the moniker "Bill Rees" will be presenting his research results as part of his thesis defense during seminar on April 8th.  Bill's research should be very topical, so be sure to come out and support him!