Sunday, November 20, 2016

Mike Kelly to Present on December 2nd

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no seminar this week (Friday, November 25th).

However, Mr. Mike Kelly will be the final presenter for this semester on Friday, December 2nd.  The title of his talk shall be forthcoming.

There is NO SEMINAR on the final Friday of the semester (December 9th).

UPDATE: (11/29/16)

Mike's presentation title is "Mesenchymal Stem Cell influence on Fibroblast Collagen Synthesis".  Background reading can be found at the following URL:


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Next Seminar is November 18th

We have no seminar on November 11th.  It is a University Holiday.

Next week, November 18th, two graduate students will present their work.

Ms. Nina Lenkey will present Utilizing Phage Display Technology to Identify a Peptide Ligand to Bind to Type 8 Capsular Polysaccharide of Staphylococcus aureus  (background reading:( 

And Mr. Aaron Mrvelj will present Effects of Fluoridated Water on Pineal Morphology in Male Rats (background reading:

Have a great three-day weekend and see you next Friday!