Thursday, November 30, 2017

Dr. Asch Presents

I will be out of town , but my friend and colleague, Dr. David Asch shall introduce himself as tomorrow's seminar speaker.  BE NICE TO HIM!!!!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

B.O.B. Presents on November 17th

Are you ready to rumble?!?!??!  B.O.B. might just make an appearance if you don't!  Don't wake the B.O.B.!!!!

I look forward to seeing your shiny faces and talk about my current work.  Be sure to read the background material!


You all have the day off for the observation of Veteran's Day.   Enjoy the time off, because I'm up next on the seminar schedule!!!!

Dr. Diggins' Presentation

Dr. Tom Diggins presented seminar this past Friday, November 3rd.  What did you think of his presentation?