Thursday, October 24, 2019

Dr. Butcher Is In The House

This week's seminar features Dr. Butcher with his seminar entitled "Are Sloths the Undisputed (Anaerobic) Kings of the Jungle?"  Links to background readings are given below.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Dr. Fagan Presents

The Biology Day seminar for October 11th has been cancelled.

However, on October 18th, Dr. Diana Fagan will be presenting aspects of her research program.  Specifically, the title of her talk is:

“Using phage display for the production of sensors, drug discovery,
and the treatment of disease
Please be sure to attend this seminar. 

UPDATE:  Links to relevant papers below - 

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Dr. Bioinformatics (aka Dr. Min) Speaks

This week's seminar features Dr. Jack Min.  His expertise in bioinformatics in renown.  I strongly urge all of you to attend his seminar entitled:

“RNA Sequencing and Transcriptome Analysis in Plants
For future reference, for both undergrads and grads, I would ardently suggest that you consider taking one or more classes in bioinformatics from Dr. Min.  Regardless of your interests, his course would be valuable to your career.
 Also, for background information, see the following publications by Dr. Min:
Clark S, Yu F, Gu L, Min XJ (2019) Expanding alternative splicing identification by integrating multiple sources of transcription data in tomato. Frontiers in Plant Sciences. 10:689. doi:10.3389/fpls.2019.00689.
Wai CM, Powell B, Ming R, Min XJ (2018) Analysis of Transcriptome and Alternative Splicing Landscape in Pineapple. Genetics and Genomics of Pineapple. pp. 195-213.