Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Dr. Bioinformatics (aka Dr. Min) Speaks

This week's seminar features Dr. Jack Min.  His expertise in bioinformatics in renown.  I strongly urge all of you to attend his seminar entitled:

“RNA Sequencing and Transcriptome Analysis in Plants
For future reference, for both undergrads and grads, I would ardently suggest that you consider taking one or more classes in bioinformatics from Dr. Min.  Regardless of your interests, his course would be valuable to your career.
 Also, for background information, see the following publications by Dr. Min:
Clark S, Yu F, Gu L, Min XJ (2019) Expanding alternative splicing identification by integrating multiple sources of transcription data in tomato. Frontiers in Plant Sciences. 10:689. doi:10.3389/fpls.2019.00689.
Wai CM, Powell B, Ming R, Min XJ (2018) Analysis of Transcriptome and Alternative Splicing Landscape in Pineapple. Genetics and Genomics of Pineapple. pp. 195-213.



  1. Summary
    Dr. Jack Min's vast repertoire of knowledge in Bioinformatics is laudable. He began his presentation by sharing his life experience in relation to his academic pursuits and achievements and proceeded to talk about what Bioinformatics entails and its relevance as an interdisciplinary field of science, which is basically concerned with the development of software tools to generate useful biological knowledge for the benefit of academic researchers. He crowned his presentation by speaking extensively on RNA sequencing and Transcriptome Analysis in plants. Trained to be a plant physiologist,a plant scientist and a bioinformatics scientist, Dr. Min has been successful in his career and this should be a motivation to us.

    Question: As Biologists,regardless of our interests, what major benefits can we derive from learning Bioinformatics in pursuit of our academic goals?

  2. Regardless of our interests as biologists we should learn about this field and be able to use it to our advantage. The world is becoming more and more technological, so being able to understand and use bioinformatics will help advance science. Bioinformatics is best used for identifying genes and proteins, it is also very cost efficient. I think in the future bioinformatics is going to be used more and more since it is a huge data base that holds almost all information on transcriptomes. It will be very beneficial to learn, understand, and use bioinformatics.

  3. I think bioinformatics has revolutionized the research field especially the biological and medical field. Most current research on these fields are dependent on bioinformatics making it a very significant tool to learn and make use of.

  4. Genetic sequencing and phylogeny are useful fields for any biologist. From the molecular level to human subjects, we can use databases of genes and proteins to better understand all of biology. I'm glad to be taking bioinformatics this semester, it's quite helpful.

  5. Bioinformatics and the databases that are made are incredibly useful analytical tools. This is especially true when studying evolution. Having a database of sequenced genetic material from closely related species can show what genes have been conserved during evolution. It is also an important tool not only in biology, but also in biochemistry when studying proteins and enzymes where there can be multiple variants of the same structure caused by mutation or differences amongst organisms, even though they still perform the same function. Conversely, there can be a change in a protein that drastically changes its properties such as a change in a single amino acid in hemoglobin that causes sickle cell anemia. Being able to use the databases is a massive time saver compared to having to sequence every protein you need information about yourself.

  6. Bioinformatics has quickly risen to one of the most useful and informative fields in the scientific world. As technology continues to soar, new methods of analyzing genomic data improve the work of research and medical laboratories. Bioinformatics is certainly fascinating to me, especially given that one of my potential career goals in genetic counseling. Bioinformatics is imperative to this field, as it allows for the analysis of genomes and their sequences, exposing mutations or certain sequences that result in predispositions to cancers or heritable diseases. Even for those not involved in this type of field, bioinformatics is an ever-improving tactic to provide valuable information for scientific research.
