Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Mykaela Wagner Presents

Mykaela presented her research on stem cells last week and did well.  What do you think?


  1. Mykaela's presentation on how c2c12 cells respond to different culture conditions was extremely engaging and fascinating. I love listening to other graduate student's research and appreciate the time and effort that they put into their thesis work. Mykaela's presentation skills are great and you can tell she really put the time into creating an amazing presentation. I took cell culture methods with Dr. Walker and in his class we learned how to culture muscle stem cells and all about their cellular niche. So it was very fascinating seeing Mykaela's thesis research with these same cells, but manipulating the environment and seeing the morphological changes.

  2. I enjoyed Mykaela's presentation on another area of cell culture and seeing the way different growth conditions can affect the phenotypes of the cells. It definitely shows the selection process that researchers use to determine the best medium for growth of a culture. The Advanced Immunology Lab course helped prepare me for the presentation by giving background knowledge of the basics of cell culture media and conditions and the effects that different supplements can have.
    To piggyback off of Mykaela's answer for the difference between fetal calf serum and horse serum, I believe that the effects on the cell morphology are most likely due to the presence of different growth factors. The difference in species does have an impact, but I think another explanation is the age of the animal from which the serum came. Fetal calf serum is taken from an embryo which would most likely have a greater abundance growth factors beneficial for the formation of the myotubes. Those growth factors may or may not be present at the same levels or at all in an adult animal, such as the case with horse serum. The results of Mykaela's research can definitely be used by other researchers working with the same C2C12 cell culture in their labs.

  3. Mykaela's research presentation on changing culture conditions affecting C2C12 muscle stem cell growth was interesting! As mentioned above, the selection process for how researchers choose the growth medium when growing cells in cultures was discussed by Mykaela, which was intriguing to learn more about. As one of Dr. Walker's graduate students, I have seen Mykaela working towards her thesis research in the lab. Her hard work definitely shined through during her presentation.

  4. Mykaela's presentation on the environment of stem cell cultures was interesting. I think she exhibited great presentation skills and that she was able to make her research topic understandable for a general audience. I was especially interested in the differences between the bovine and horse serum and if this provides any evolutionary significance when compared to potential fluid serums derived from other species.

  5. aboigo@student.ysu.comFebruary 28, 2020 at 8:34 AM

    Mykaela's presentation on the effect of changing cultures on muscle stem cells was engrossing. I always love seeing her do presentations because she is always on point. She did clarify her whole research well and i loved her methodology and how they represented the data using the new technology. The C2C12 cells on different media gave a real clear result with the 10% bovine serum giving the optimum conditions for the growth of the cells. the whole talk was an encouragement and inspiration to me since i intend to work in Dr Walker's lab for my research on his next upcoming area of interest, that is, wound healing. Am pleased i got a background on the same from Mykaela.

  6. Mykaela's presented her presentation very well ,it was extremely interesting to know how c2c12 cells respond to different cultures conditions and how to choose the growth medium for these cells was discussed. Mykaela did a great job in presenting it and making it easier to understand
