Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Dr. Diggins Presents This Friday

Our very own Dr. Tom Diggins will be presenting his research during seminar this coming Friday.  His talk is entitled "The Foundational Role of Eastern Cottonwood in Primary Succession in Varied Ecosystems: Floodplains, Shorelines, and Dunes".

Please join the seminar at the following URL beginning at noon:




 A recording of today's seminar is available via the following link: https://ysu.webex.com/recordingservice/sites/ysu/recording/playback/55d0c5bccd5e44d9bdde5ab166e659bf


The password is dSV5AFsJ




  1. Dr. Diggins described the cyclical nature of succession in a variety of ecosystems while highlighting the importance of cottonwoods in such cycles. From rivers down to coastlines, cottonwoods provide structure and canopy gaps that aid other species in inhabiting previously barren ecosystems. Though succession occurs, natural events such can undo the processes. Humans heavily alter the cyclical renewal of many ecosystems, threatening the structure and diversity of many environments.

    With fracking, oil pipelines, and increased pollution negatively affecting ecosystems worldwide, what can we do as future scientists to help slow/stop the negative human impact on nature? If we are able to stop the negative human impact, how might we restore ecosystems and reverse such damage?

    1. In order to restore ecosystems and reverse damage that humans have had on ecosystems such as trees for example, planting trees is a great way to start. As Dr. Diggins stated, Eastern Cottonwoods grow fast and large. Then their life can span up to 150 years old. However, Dr. Diggins said that the Eastern Cottonwood is not storm sturdy and will get into your pipes due to their root system so this is not a popular tree to grow around where people live. However, if you have a large acreage of land you could grow this tree out in your tree line away from your house. Then the seeds will be dispersed by wind and water which hopefully will cause more of the Eastern Cottonwood to grow naturally.

      As for slowing the negative impact on nature, there are many things people do. The most common is recycling. Unfortunately, there are negative effects as well. These include when people do not recycle recyclable products, the recycling plants having extreme amounts of recyclables that need to be sorted through that are normally just thrown away due to the excessive amounts.

      There was a documentary on Netflix last year that talked about how much plastic recycling ends up as landfill or on beaches in Southeast Asia.

      There have also been people to go on the news and explain what can and cannot be recycled. For example, a bottle of water can be recycled, but the lid cannot.

  2. I often think about the ways to slow negative human affects on the environment. One of the solutions I come up with is just to live a more sustainable life. This would include tasks such as shorter showers, eating less meat, car pooling more, use less plastic, and so much more. There are small changes that we could all make each day that would have an overall significant impact.

    However, I do say that the largest contributing factor to negative impacts from anthropogenic sources is big corporations. We need to demand for regulations to keep them accountable and demand institutions to divest from fossil fuel industries. As consumers, we must make conscious decisions on where to make purchases. Unfortunately, I believe it is our duty right now to make ethical consuming choices vs. the actual big corporations being accountable.

    It is also important for us to vote in government officials that represent and believe in science and facts. These are the people who are creating and voting in legislation that will protect the environment and our health.

    Luckily, the Eastern Cottonwood does not face conservation threats as Dr. Diggins mentioned, but many important species with large ecological roles do face threats.

  3. Well, we as a society (mainly the major corporations and the military) need to cease using fossil fuels and become carbon neutral within the next 10-20 years. And we will need other massive nations like Russia, China, and India to follow suit.

    Large tree-planting projects and recycling are two great ideas to mitigate the damage we've already done.

  4. There are many options we could take to help slow the negative human impact on nature, one of the most basic being recycling. Thankfully, I have convinced my family to recycle. It is still a battle trying to switch to using reusable tubber ware and water bottles over the more convenient paper products, plastic, and tin foil. This is a great improvement, but this is only one household making a difference. Recycling should be emphasized more. Big corporations and schools should be making it a priority before it is too late to reverse these damages. Another great option would be large-scale tree planting projects. Altogether as a society, we show live a more sustainable life. It would be difficult to stray from fossil fuel, but the concept should be pushed. For example, one could install solar panels. This would be expensive at first, but it would pay for itself in the long run and benefit the ecosystem. There are other alternatives to investigate. Using the landscape advantages are crucial to finding a successful power source. You would not want to install solar panels in an environment with little sunlight. A good example of using the landscape to one’s advantage, is the hydroelectric power stations near Niagara Falls. It would be beneficial to research what other countries are doing to restore the damage humans have caused. We must work together to fully restore ecosystems and prevent future damage.

    1. I forgot to add my name to my comment and I'm not sure how to edit it. I wrote the comment above.

  5. "Go green" is the most effective way to stop/slow human negative effect on the environment. I concur with my colleagues comment about planting more trees. In Kenya there is a rule; cut one tree and plant two more trees.
    Using sustainable energy systems such as the solar system to run the houses and making solar powered cars is utilizing nature's free gifts thus positively impacting the environment. Also recycling and separation of garbage aids in proper disposal of wastes therefore, ensures the cyclic restoration of ecosystems.
