Sunday, October 25, 2020

This Week's Special Presentor: Georgina Baya

 I am pleased to announce that Ms. Georgina Baya will be presenting the results of her research this coming Friday during Seminar.  She is mentored by Dr. Caguiat.  The title of her presentation is forthcoming.  Please do join the seminar and support our wonderful graduate student!

1 comment:

  1. Georgina gave a presentation on "identification of putative P-type ATPase pump that may confer AU-& CU- resistance in S. maltophilia O2 Oak Ridge strain. The most fascinating part for me,is the expression of the gene (i.e the p-type ATPase gene) in both cu- and AU as against the control. Moreover, due to missing gene for gold resistance,no resistance was observed in E.coli despite the MIC. These results could be used as a building block for further research in areas where gene expression and antimicrobial resistance are concerned. Good job Georgina!
