Sunday, November 8, 2020

Dan is in the House!

 For the last seminar presentation of this semester on December 4th,  Mr. Dan Jusbasich will share the results of his thesis work in Dr. Fagan's laboratory.  The title of his presentation is:

The Effect of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells, Platelet-Rich Plasma, and Collagen on Rat Achilles Tendon Repair

Please be sure to join us!

Research Presentation by Dr. Asch

On Friday, November 20th, Dr. David Asch will review the research endeavors in his laboratory.  


Gene Expression in Neurospora crassa in Response to Nutritional Resources

Ahmed's Presentation

This coming Friday, Mr. Ahmed M Al-Akash will present his research in Dr. Caguiat's laboratory.  The title of his presentation is:

"Increased Expression of ompA, ompX, dedA, and gutS Benes in Enterobacter sp. YSU in the Presence of Selenite"

For background reading, see the following URL:

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Dr. Panaitof Speaks

Please join us for the seminar presented by Dr. Carmen Panaitof entitled "Neurophysiology of reproductive behavior and biparental care in the burying beetles".  Dr. Panaitof is our newest faculty member in the department.