Thursday, February 18, 2021

MIT Lecture #4: Dr. Anthony Fauci

We continue the Covid series from MIT with a final video lecture given by the well-known scientist, Dr. Anthony Fauci

Lecture 4: Anthony Fauci, “Insights from the COVID-19 pandemic”



  1. Dr. Fauci's presentation was very informative. He first starts out by stating that the virus is not like the common cold. He also informed us that the US has the highest number of cases in the world. Then went on to compare the United States and Europe cases. This showed us that the US should have shut down longer before opening back up to the public. The US cases never went below 20,000 cases. He also informed us that asymptomatic cases is 40-55%, there can be thousands of people walking around with COVID that don't even know it. He strongly talked about the prevention of spreading by wearing a mask, 6 feet distancing, and have outdoor events. This was an informative lecture on everything COVID. My question is do you think the US should shut down again?

  2. The presentation by Dr. Anthony Fauci enlightened on the epidemiology of Covid-19 which I found to be fascinating. On my own opinion, I don't wish for a shut down again because of the various challenges that come along with it. This impacting on the different aspects of life like social, economical, financial and work among others. What I think we should do is be responsible for ourselves. We pray that most of the people will be eligible for the vaccine and we should follow the CDC guidelines at all times, proper use of the mask, social distancing and washing of hands. I believe if all these are integrated, spread will be reduced thus reducing more deaths. Who doesn't wish to go back to the normal times if things gets better? We will overcome.

  3. With the introduction of this vaccine, I believe there may not be a need for another shutdown. If as Americans, we can come together and do as we should: get vaccinated when possible, social distance, and wear masks, i believe we can start to manage the virus better than we have been. New Zealand's citizens have taken this seriously from the beginning and they have kept in managed to no more than 5 new cases everyday for a long time now. It really comes down to the willingness of the people. I believe the vaccine is going to have a very big impact on the overall outcome of our cases. If it does get out of hand again though, I don't mind going to lock down. We just need better legislation to keep Americans afloat during the trying times.

  4. Shutting down again is a good idea but I think we just have to stick to wearing our masks and observing 6 feet distancing and other hygiene practices. Any state that records higher death cases should be put into consideration with respect to Lockdown. Otherwise, let's observe the Golden Rules and stay safe.

  5. Unless a new type of virus emerges I don't think that another shut down is necessary with the vaccine becoming more available for COVID-19. I do think that if the shut down lasted longer last summer such as through the fall months it would have helped in reducing the amount of spikes in new cases. I believe the reopening was too much too quick that gave people a false sense of hope to resume socializing unsafely. Hopefully people can remain adhering to the rules of social distancing and hygiene until the vaccine is available to everyone.

  6. Unfortunately, I believe the harm has already been done here in the United States. Now that vaccines are beginning to rollout and everyday more and more American's are becoming vaccinated, there is no need for another shut down in my opinion. Now, if a new variant or if cases begin to spike again, then I would believe another lockdown would be necessary to stop the spread. Even though vaccines are being administered it will take many more months for "herd" immunity to be achieved and it is very much important to continue wearing masks, social distance, and do our part to limit the spread.

  7. As much as I wouldn't enjoy it, I think a second shut-down would still be beneficial to slow the spread and make the virus easier to contain by reducing the number of new cases, give time to have more vaccine produced and distributed to the neccessary people or at higher risk, and lower the spreading of new variants. However, given the current social climate, I feel as though people are tired of feeling locked down and isolated. Even if there was a second shut-down, I am not sure if people would adhere to it the same way we did nearly a year ago. Regardless, I feel like the evidence that Dr. Fauci presented comparing the EU and the US during the shut-down illustrates not only the importance of shutting down, but also not "re-opening" too early.

  8. By comparing Europe and the US cases during lock down, Dr. Fauci gives a clear understanding of the importance of lock down. My opinion is that, I would not wish for another shut down because shutting down now will not completely eliminate the virus but slow it. If it would happen again then there are so many factors to consider like for how long, will it be just a partial lock down or complete, will everyone adhere to this? I think what they should think about is how to make the vaccine available for many people or everyone within a shorter period. For now, we should continue correctly following the guidelines that have been set.

  9. By comparing Europe and the US cases during lock down, Dr. Fauci gives a clear understanding of the importance of lock down. My opinion is that, I would not wish for another shut down because shutting down now will not completely eliminate the virus but slow it. If it would happen again then there are so many factors to consider like for how long, will it be just a partial lock down or complete, will everyone adhere to this? I think what they should think about is how to make the vaccine available for many people or everyone within a shorter period. For now, we should continue correctly following the guidelines that have been set.

  10. With the rollout of the vaccine and its promising outlook, I don't think we will need another shut-down. Also the United States is far to big to try another shut-down and too many people have varying opinions. I think resources should be focused on getting the vaccine to as many people as possible and to educating as many people as possible.
