Sunday, March 22, 2020

Erek Pham Online Seminar

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Erek shall send out his presentation as a voice-over PowerPoint.  This post represents the spot where grad students in BIOL 6988 are to comment on his presentation.


  1. Erek did a very good job with the presentation as a voice-over PowerPoint.It was very engaging topic using viruses and making a blood biosensor,Biosensor are nowadays ubiquitous in biomedical diagnosis as well as a wide range of other areas.
    The blood biosensor/smart fabric discussed in the presentation will be used in military and law enforcement for increase survival rate and decrease response time for medical response.The biosensor technology exploits the unique properties of a biological recognition event on a transducing device,In such an event the interaction of the analyte with the bio receptor is converted into a suitable output that is easily read by the user.The transducer used here was Carbon Nano tubes which signal upon binding of biological elements to analyte. M13 bacteriophages were used as they are non destructive and create more phage.Screening of phage was done by Bio panning -Target was human serum albumin (HSA),Titering and diagnostics assay -Elisa
    Some of the issues that I feel was concerning the production of commercial biosensors,Identification of market that is interested in blood biosensor ,testing performance,stability,cost and ease of manufacturing components of biosensor.

    1. I also thought Erek did an amazing job with his seminar presentation. I have never thought about using the technology we have in the biology department to be able to come up with something like a blood biosensor. This project is interesting, very creative, and technical. I would love to see this technology explode in the military and law enforcement for faster medical response.

    2. I thought Errek did a wonderful job adapting to the new format for the class. I would have enjoyed watching him present this. I believe the presentation was done very well and I found the content extremely interesting. I am excited to learn about the collaborations Dr. Fagan`s lab is doing to innovate this biosensor. I believe this technology will be revolutionary in the first responder field. Having real time data of injuries for a faster medical response can save many lives. I am excited to see where this project goes.

    3. this is mykaela, apparently my gmail no longer shows my name

  2. Erek's presentation on the blood sensor suit was truly fascinating and it has the potential to save countless lives on the battlefield. While I definitely think the suit is feasible given that most of the technological components are in existence, there's still a long way to go in order to have a fully functioning blood sensor suit. Nevertheless, I am very excited to see what future research can add to Erek's results.

    - Michael Deak

  3. Overall, Erek's presentation went very well and it was adapted nicely to us having to move online. I think this is a very interesting project and I am curious to see where it goes from here. I think the biology department should be doing more things like this to collaborate with other departments to come up with new biology inspired technology, etc. Very well done!

  4. Errek's seminar went well. I thought he was ably prepared to answer and address the questions raised. Part of the one question that was raised was how this research relates to the total scope of the project and I appreciated how he handled it. I do think that I maybe had a hard time with understanding the reason for the competitive ELISA, but now I think I get it - how it's related to finding specificity of phage for their purposes. The voice-over was good and it seemed to be good at moving from one part to the next.
    Good job, I hope that the data and any future benchwork can come together for the final published thesis.

  5. Being the first to give his seminar through remote learning,he did it remarkably. Indeed there are so many areas of biology yet to be searched out. The idea of making a biosensor was amazing and the most significant part of it being the target of using human serum albumin in Bio-panning.The whole project is wow and i hope the protein purification process with dialysis will work out in Dr Fagan's lab.Having people's lives at heart is really an amazing thing. Good project and all the best.

  6. I thought Errek's presentation was incredibly interesting and he did an excellent job of explaining his research in detail! He was able to adapt smoothly to the online presentation format and set the bar high for future online presentations. Taking what we learn as biologists and generating a sensor that could be used by the military or law enforcement is incredible, and I can't wait to see the biosensors made into fabric/clothes for actual use!

  7. Errek did an excellent job, he's going to be a tough act to follow. The concept of a blood biosensor seems so simple yet so effective. I think Errek did a great job explaining the nuances in making and implementing something like this. Any questions I have are logistical ones such as how much would a suit like this cover, is there a way to tell where on the body a person was injured, the severity of the injury, etc. These questions may be bridging over into the engineering side of this project though.

  8. Errek did a wonderful job transitioning from a normal in-class presentation to an online presentation and really set the bar for future lectures. The idea to create a biosensor capable of detecting wounds to decrease medical response times is ingenious. It will have many real-life applications and could save lives when implemented. My favorite part of the presentation was when he was discussing specificity problems and how he has to make sure it is not triggered by a common liquid that could potentially come in to contact with the fabric. He also did a good job giving credit to past students who worked on the project and outlining future work that must be completed. Errek's presentation helped confirm that the modern application of biology to technology is my favorite specialization within the field of biology.
