Thursday, April 29, 2021

Brianna's Kitty Cats

 Join us tomorrow for the final seminar of the semester being presented by Briana Schumaker.



  1. I liked this presentation on cats. Its interesting to see how some cats have a higher chance of having kidney stones because of their genes. I and probably all the other grad students feel your pain with how experiments never go the way you want. I have run over 100 gels at this point and technically only need about 35 of them. But trial and error! I also have to make my gels, takes about 2 and a half or 3 hours and then run them for 23 hour and then staining for an hour and a half. So it really puts a dent on research if the gel is not quantifiable in the end. Just gotta keep persisting. Good luck with all those gels this summer!

  2. Briana's presentation was very informative. I adopted a cat over the summer and I enjoy learning new facts about them and how their genes can affect different traits. I wish you luck with the research over the summer!
