Saturday, December 30, 2017

Welcome to Spring 2018 Seminar!

Students, Faculty, and Guests,

I am pleased to announce that the Seminar in Biology Sciences (BIOL 6988) will again be meeting this Spring semester in Ward Beecher Science Hall's auditorium (Room 3022) at noon on Friday's.  This semester will feature a number of invited guests presenting a wide variety of topics.  In addition, a slew of second-year graduate students will provide us updates on their thesis work and, at this posting, one undergraduate shall be discussing her honor's thesis research.  The tentative schedule of talks has been posted on this blog.  A final schedule is forthcoming.

For those of you graduate students enrolled in BIOL 6988, please look through the syllabus on this blog site.   There WILL BE an introduction to this course on Friday, January 12th.  Please be prompt.

I look forward to seeing all of you soon and enjoying this semester's seminar along with you.


Dr. C

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Dr. Asch Presents

I will be out of town , but my friend and colleague, Dr. David Asch shall introduce himself as tomorrow's seminar speaker.  BE NICE TO HIM!!!!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

B.O.B. Presents on November 17th

Are you ready to rumble?!?!??!  B.O.B. might just make an appearance if you don't!  Don't wake the B.O.B.!!!!

I look forward to seeing your shiny faces and talk about my current work.  Be sure to read the background material!


You all have the day off for the observation of Veteran's Day.   Enjoy the time off, because I'm up next on the seminar schedule!!!!

Dr. Diggins' Presentation

Dr. Tom Diggins presented seminar this past Friday, November 3rd.  What did you think of his presentation?

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Dr. Min's Seminar

This coming Friday, Dr. "Jack" Min will be presenting some of his innovative work in the development of bioinformatic tools.  This topic is becoming more and more important as science moves from the bench to the server.  Please read Dr. Min's suggested reading before coming to seminar and sit back for what I am sure will be an interesting presentation.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Dr. Caguiat's Research Presentation

This Friday, please be prepared to interact with Dr. Caguiat following the presentation of his current research efforts.  I am positive that this will be an interesting talk.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


There will be no seminar on Friday, October 13th.  Next week, Dr. Caguiat will be presenting his work.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Steficah Presents Today

Today, Steficah Maosa, who is a grad student of Dr. Fagan, will be presenting at seminar.  The title of her talk is “Using Phage Display Technology to Produce Peptides Specific for Staphylococcus aureus, Type 8”.  Please give her your full support!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Short Video: The Double Helix

Tomorrow's seminar will be the presentation of a short video, The Double Helix, from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.  A discussion session will follow.

See you tomorrow!

Friday, September 22, 2017

Dr. Fagan's Seminar Today

I hope you are ready for today's seminar by Dr. Fagan.  She is doing some keen work using phage display technology to search for markers of disease.

See you there!!!!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Dr. Walker Is Presenting Today

Hold you hats!  The esteemed Chair of Biology is presenting a research summary today.  Please humor him even if you don't think he's funny.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Welcome to Seminar - Fall 2017

Dear Students,

Welcome to the Fall 2017 version of Seminar in Biological Sciences (BIOL 6988).  Please review the syllabus using the above tab and survey the remainder of this blog.  I will go over this information tomorrow during the introduction to the course.

See you soon!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Amina Closes It Out!

Hey Folks,

I'm pleased to have Amina Malik present the final seminar of the semester.  She is a student of Dr. Tall's and I look forward to what I believe shall be a terrific presentation.  The title of Amina's talk is: Blindness and Associated Circadian Rhythm Disorders.

Go Amina!!!!

Friday, April 14, 2017

Marta's Presentation

Marta gave a terrific talk today!  What do you all think?  Am I wrong?  How was the content of her presentation?

Friday, March 10, 2017

My Turn (maybe?)

If the Trump administration permits me to return to the U.S. following my trip to China, I will be presenting seminar on March 24th.  I will be recapping my laboratory's work with Talaromyces marneffei and the role of a particular signaling factor, YakA, in the growth and development of this pathogenic fungus.  I'm positive that this will be a spell-binding lecture!  The choice of a pillow or caffeine is up to you.

Zach's Turn

Hopefully, all of you enjoyed your Spring Break.  Now, back to business . . .

Mr. Zach Marinelli will present his seminar entitled "Identification of a putative metK selenite resistance gene in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia OR02“.  Links to background papers are provided below.

Dr. Walker's Presentation

Last Friday, Dr. Walker made his presentation.  The comment section is now open! Fire away!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Dean Steelant Presents

It is a pleasure to welcome Dr. Wim Steelant, Dean of the College of STEM, to present our seminar this coming Friday.  Dean Steelant will discuss the role of medicinal plants in drug discovery.  I hope very much you will be an engaged audience.

Moreover, please be sure to thank Dean Steelant.  He is providing pizza for everyone in attendance.  Drinks are on your own!!!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Welcome Back to Seminar!

It is good to have all of you back for the Spring 2017 version of Seminar in Biological Sciences (BIOL 6988).  I look forward to the continued thoughtful comments on this blog.
Our first three sessions will be comprised of a video series, "Your Inner Fish".    This three-part video series, to be shown over the next three weeks. is based upon the based-selling book by paleobiologis Neil Shubin.  The videos detail the sometimes funny, but deeply profound history of human evolution.  Please, become actively engaged in the post-showing discussion led by our own Dr. Ian Renne.

The first video, “Your Inner Fish”,  can also be viewed online at the following URL:

See you soon!